My Design - SS501

My Design - SS501


N Seoul Tower 南山塔/N首尔塔资料

N Seoul Tower

1.n-Grill 南山塔的法国餐厅

2. HanCook 韩国自助餐厅

3. The Place Dining

4. Beer Garden

5. Foodcourt (它的网页是那样写,但是出来的只有以下的)

Sky Cafe.. Just.... XD


一个人  8000 won (2 ways 来回两趟); 6000won (1 way 一趟)

南山巴士No. 2 



韩文韩文韩文。XDD 15.2.2012 马克。咔咔~

这个帖子~恩。。我想写,阿~不是,是copy paste一些韩文来这里。因为看到很多值得学习的,但是不懂放去哪里。XDD 把自己的部落格当收集韩文的地方了。XD

1내가 데려다줄게요.我送你吧.2탈거요 말거요? (你)搭不搭车?3틈이 나면 놀러 오세요. 有空来玩.4.뛰는 놈 위에 나는 놈 있다. 人外有人.5.울상을 하고 있어요.哭丧着脸.6.사람을 잘못 봤어요.认错人了.7.잊을 뻔했어요.差点忘了.8.한바탕 울어요.大哭一场

【韩语词汇】中级必备词汇17:알뜰하다 勤俭,초대장 请帖,운동화 끈 运动鞋鞋带,피로 疲劳,무리하다 毫无道理,불리하다 不利的,영리하다 伶俐的,시험에 붙다 通过考试,규칙 规则,거짓말 谎言,도전의 기회 挑战的机会,야구 방망이 棒球棒,최선을 다하다 尽最大的努力

【常用韩语】1.그만 화를 푸세요.别生气了。 2.모르는 것이 없어요. 无所不知。3.이 따위 짓을 하지 마세요.别来这一套。 4.기회를 놓치지 마세요.机不可失。 5.그 사람 얘긴 하지도 말아요.别提他了。

【韩语常用短句】죄송합니다./죄송해요. 对不起。 미안합니다./미안해요./미안해. 对认识的人,确实感到抱歉时:죄송합니다./죄송해요. 对不认识的人,不小心碰到,撞到时:미안해요. 对朋友:미안해./미안하다. 안녕하세요? 您好? 선생님: 안녕하세요? 학 생: 선생님, 안녕하셨어요?

저를 영원히 사랑할 거예요?你会永远爱我吗?당신과 같이 있으면 난 행복해요.你使我感到很幸福。우린 천생연분인 것 같아요.我觉得我们很有缘分。자꾸 당신이 보고 싶어요.我总想着你。당신한테 한눈에 반했어요.我对你一见钟情。저한테 잘 해주는 것을 알고 있었어요.我能感觉到你对我的好。

【韩语初级必备词汇33】얘기 聊天,어느 나라 哪个国家,어둡다 昏暗,어디 哪儿,어떻게 怎么,어렵다 困难,어른 大人,어리다 年纪小,어린이날 儿童节,어머니 妈妈,어제 昨天,언니 姐姐,언제 什么时候,언제나 总是,얹어요 放上去吧,얼굴 脸,얼마 多少,없다 没有,에어컨 空调

难过 괴롭다,忧郁 우울하다,烦恼고 민하다 ,害怕 두렵다,担心 걱정하다,压力 압력받다,害羞 수줍다,快乐 기쁘다,大笑 대소하다,微笑 미소짖다,欢笑 웃다

【常用韩语】1.폐를 끼쳐 죄송합니다. 给您添麻烦了。2.내가 상상했던 일이야. 不出我所料!3.니가 잘 했어. 你表现的不错!4.기운 내! 打起精神来!5.내가 일부러 그런 게 아니야. 我不是故意的

1.간이 콩알만 해요.胆小如鼠.2.나도 끼워줘요. 算我一个.3.오가기에 편리해요.来去方便.4.딱 맞는데요.正好合适.5.심심해 죽겠어요. 无聊死了.6.엎어지면 코 닿을 데죠.一步之遥.7.노 코멘트.无可奉告. 8.깨우쳐 줘서 고마워요. 谢谢提醒.

【常用短句】1.진짜 미안해. 真抱歉。2.오래 기다리게 했어요。 让您久等了!3.그렇다는 말이에요. 说的是啊!4.누가 아니래! 谁说不是啊?5.아이고! 哎呦!

【韩语词汇】初级必备词汇18:모르다 不知道,모습 样子,모이다 聚集,모자 帽子,목 脖子,목요일 星期四,목욕 洗澡,몰라요 不着调,몸 身体,못하다 不能,不及,무게 重量,무궁화 木槿,무료 免费,무섭다 可怕,무슨 什么,무엇 什么,문 门

저는 요즘 한국어 많이 늘었어요? 그래요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 5월 저는 한국를 갈 거예요. 그래서 열심히 배우다. ㅋㅋ

오늘밤 이거 공부해요. 너무 많아요 화이팅! ㅋㅋㅋ

Realy hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just ignore this post everyone. I'm really getting mad because of her! I really don't know when i can stand it if i didn't write it out here. >.<'' Just wanna venting~

What kind of person she is?! Bad temper, immature, selfish... the most important one - CRAZY!!! Really crazy! She can suddenly scolded (with high volume of sound seem like nobody in the office) somebody else in front of me even though our HOD is here in office and just sitting in front of me! Really crazy women! I'm just keep tolerance with her so that she won't scold non-stop and distrub me. I don't even wanna answer her. But, she's just like... brainless or somehow call stupid?? Still can keep scolding, talk and talk and talk! People who keep quiet or seldom/don't answer you, and you still can keep talking?? For normal person, answer will be "NO". But for people like her, answer is "YES"!

During working time, when she got things to do, she will get mad and always say that those people don't give enough time for her to do. What the hxll?! She think i'm blind or what? I know what kind of situation she is in! Our colleagues (who pass the drafted report to her) give her time that is more than enough! MORE THAN ENOUGH! I know why she is blaming. She just want to sit in front of pc and searching what special food, any toys, or other products that she can buy... or else play her iPhone games. After blaming here and that, then she can still online even there are reports that so called "not enough time to do"! DXMN!

When she is free, then she keep talking with me even though i'm busy doing my work; even though our HOD is sitting in the office! I'm really..... i don't even look at her while she is talking and i just keep on doing my work. But, how come she still can talking non-stop?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~ really getting crazy because of her! And somebody always being misunderstand by her no matter what he do or act. Poor guy~ Just he's talking with me, and she saw it when she came back from washroom (?). Then being misunderstand again, she though he was saying something about her. Poor guy~ And i don't even wanna explain as she wont believe and will keep thinking that i'm by the side of him. Why i'm gonna explain since her brain cannot analyze / think well? Know why im typing English? Because she can't really understand English. She now just beside me.

I'm really totally extremely hate people disturb me! Really dislike! I'm rather to be alone if you are the kind of person who brainless. Why i have to guide you and guide you and teach you to analyze somethings or whatever things since you are stupid? That's wasting my time and better i use those time to take a nap better. Hu~~~~~ My EQ some how going down because of her. Then, i always tell myself to me calm down calm down and calm down... cool down. That's not worth and no point for my EQ getting lower because of her.