My Design - SS501

My Design - SS501



Nowadays we can buy Korean Skin Care & Cosmetic online everywhere. Me as a buyer & user of Korean Skin Care & Cosmetic was always wonder about these:-


~ I want 100% Authentic of Korean Skin Care & Cosmetic 
  • 我要100%正品(韩国护肤品和化妆品)
~ WHERE I can get cheaper Korean products
  • 我在哪里能买到比较便宜的韩国产品
It's an OFFENCE to buy skin care / cosmetic from oversea without permit 

~ Legally buying online (within Malaysia website / trusted agent / re-seller etc) 
  • 合法在线购买(在马来西亚网站/可信赖的代理商/转售商等)
Until one day I found a place where I can buy & also as an agent of Korean Skin Care & Cosmetic! It’s totally meet my requirements of the above! It is really fantastic! 


- As a buyer & user, I can give my opinions to you about the products & suitability of the product for different skin types
  • 作为买家和使用者。我可以给你提供有关产品和不同皮肤类型产品适用性的意见。
- As an agent, I do can give my opinion to you to get the reasonable / cheaper products compared to other online market place. (I used to check Korean website for the brand of product & do comparison)
  • 作为代理商,我可以告诉你与其他在线市场相比来获得合理/便宜的产品。 (我会检查韩国网站的产品品牌并做比较)
The above are the reasons why I started to do this for the sake of myself & also you all.


按 Click --> SCare Beauty



与皮肤类型不同,皮肤状况在您的生活过程中变化会很大。 许多内部和外部因素决定皮肤的状况包括:

在选择护肤产品的时候,应该选择适合皮肤类型和皮肤状况的。 皮肤科医生和其他护肤专家通过测量以下因素来确定一个人的皮肤类型状况:

我们的皮肤类型随着我们一生进化。 那些在青少年时期有油性皮肤类型的人会发现他们的皮肤在青春期后变得干燥,而那些皮肤类型正常的人会发现他们的皮肤随着年龄的增长而变得干燥。

随着皮肤类型的老化,皮肤会失去体积和密度,出现细纹和皱纹,并且可能发生色素沉着的变化。 了解和测量这些衰老迹象有助于我们确定皮肤状况。 

皮肤颜色和种族会影响我们的皮肤对外力的反应,如阳光,色素沉着紊乱,过敏和炎症。 基本肤色由表皮密度和黑色素分布决定。 

皮肤发红也是衡量皮肤状况的有效方法; 它表明我们的血液循环是好的,并有助于识别诸如毛细血管皮肤和酒渣鼻等疾病。

敏感性皮肤容易被不同因素而受刺激的皮肤,如护肤品或高低温。对于有些人,  敏感皮肤是永久性的,对于其他人来说,敏感性是由某些内部和外部因素引发的。它发生在皮肤的天然屏障功能受到损害时,导致水分流失并允许刺激物渗透。面部皮肤最容易暴露在阳光下,从阳光到化妆品和清洁剂中的某些成分的因素会加剧症状。

D) 皮脂和汗水的产生
皮脂腺皮脂腺产生的皮脂量控制皮肤屏障功能的效果,从而控制皮肤的状况。 皮脂的过量产生会导致油性,易长痘痘的皮肤,而低皮脂的产生会导致皮肤干燥。

皮肤中的汗腺会产生汗液,帮助身体保持最佳温度。 过多或过少的汗液产生会影响皮肤状况。

天然产生在健康皮肤中,NMF的氨基酸,有助于将水结合到皮肤中,保持其弹性和柔软性,防止其脱水。 当皮肤的保护屏障受损时,通常无法保留这些必需的NMF,因此皮肤水分会减少,并且会影响皮肤状况。


Evaluating skin type and condition
Unlike skin type, skin condition can vary greatly during the course of your life. The many internal and external factors that determine its condition include: 
1) climate and pollution
2) medication
3) stress
4) hereditary factors that influence the levels of sebum
5) sweat
6) natural moisturising factors that your skin produces 
7) the products that you use 
8) the skincare choices that you make.

Skincare products should be selected to match skin type and address skin condition. Dermatologists and other skincare experts determine a person’s skin type condition by measuring the following factors:

A) Signs of ageing
Our skin type can evolve during our lifetime. Those with an oily skin type in their teenage years can find their skin becoming drier post-puberty and those with a normal skin type can find their skin getting drier as they age. 

As all skin types age, skin loses volume and density, fine lines and wrinkles appear and changes in pigmentation can occur. Understanding and measuring these signs of ageing helps us to determine the condition of our skin. Read more in skin ageing.

B) Skin colour
Skin colour and ethnicity influences how our skin reacts to external forces such as the sun, pigmentation disorders, irritation and inflammation. Basic skin colour is determined by the density of the epidermis and the distribution of melanin. 

The redness of skin is also a useful measure of skin condition; it indicates how successful our circulation is and can be helpful in identifying conditions such as couperose and rosacea.

C) Skin Sensitivity
Sensitive skin is skin that is easily irritated by different factors, that are generally tolerated by well-balanced skin, such as skin care products or high and low temperatures. For some people, sensitive skin is a permanent condition, for others, sensitivity is triggered by certain internal and external factors. It occurs when skin’s natural barrier function is compromised, causing water loss and allowing penetration of irritants. Symptoms are exacerbated by factors that facial skin is most exposed to, from the sun to some ingredients in cosmetics and cleansers

D) Sebum and sweat production
The amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands in skin controls the efficacy of the skin’s barrier function and, as a result, the condition of skin. The overproduction of sebum can lead to oily, acne-prone skin, while low sebum production causes dry skin.

The perspiratory glands in skin produce sweat to help the body to maintain its optimum temperature. Excessive or low sweat production can influence skin condition.

E) Natural Moisturising Factors (NMF’s)
Naturally produced in healthy skin, NMF’s such as amino acids help to bind water into the skin, maintain its elasticity and suppleness and prevent it from becoming dehydrated. When the skin’s protective barrier is damaged it is often unable to retain these essential NMF’s so skin moisture decreases and condition is affected.


还搞不清楚自己的肌肤属性吗?正常肌肤?干性肌肤?还是。。。?【PART 2】


让我们继续研究各种类型的皮肤:-[Part 2]

“油性”用于描述皮脂分泌增加的皮肤类型。 这种过度生产被称为脂溢性皮炎。


- 遗传
- 荷尔蒙的变化和不平衡
- 药物
- 压力
- 引起粉刺的化妆品(引起刺激的化妆品)


 - 粗大,清晰可见的毛孔
 - 油亮光泽
 - 较厚,苍白的皮肤:可能看不到血管




在混合性皮肤中,T区和脸颊的皮肤都各不相同。 所谓的T区也可以大不相同 - 从非常细小的区域扩展到大的区域。


- 油性T区(额头,下巴和鼻子)
- 这个区域的毛孔粗大,可能含有一些杂质
- 正常至干燥的脸颊


混合性皮肤的油脂部分是由皮脂的过度产生而引起的。 混合性皮肤的较干燥部分是因为缺乏皮脂和相应的脂质缺乏引起的。


Yesterday's blog was regarding Normal Skin & Dry Skin. Today's are regarding Oily Skin & Combination Skin.

Let's continue on various types of skins:- [Part 2]

Oily skin
‘Oily’ is used to describe a skin type with heightened sebum production. This over production is known as seborrhea.

The causes of oily skin

A number of issues trigger the over production of sebum:
- genetics
- hormonal changes and imbalances
- medication
- stress
- comedogenic cosmetics (make-up products that cause irritation)

How to identify the different types of oily skin?

Oily skin is characterised by:
- enlarged, clearly visible pores 
- a glossy shine
- thicker, pale skin: blood vessels may not be visible

Oily skin is prone to comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and to the varying forms of acne.

With mild acne, a significant number of comedones appear on the face and frequently on the neck, shoulders, back and chest too.

In moderate and severe cases, papules (small bumps with no visible white or black head) and pustules (medium sized bumps with a noticeable white or yellow dot at the centre) appear and the skin becomes red and inflamed.

Combination Skin
In combination skin the skin types vary in the T-zone and the cheeks. The so-called T-zone can differ substantially – from a very slim zone to an extended area.

Combination skin is characterised by:

- an oily T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) 
- enlarged pores in this area perhaps with some impurities
- normal to dry cheeks

The causes of combination skin

The oilier parts of combination skin are caused by an over production of sebum. The drier parts of combination skin are caused by a lack of sebum and a corresponding lipid deficiency.


还搞不清楚自己的肌肤属性吗?正常肌肤?干性肌肤?还是。。。?【PART 1】



以下来看看各种肌肤的属性:-[Part 1]

正常皮肤 = 均衡的皮肤。 T区(前额,下巴和鼻子)可能有点油腻,但整体的皮脂和水分是平衡的,皮肤既不油腻也不太干。

 - 细致毛孔
 - 良好的血液循环
 - 质地柔软,光滑
 - 清新,玫瑰色的均匀透明度
 - 没有瑕疵/暗疮等
 - 并且不易受到敏感。


由于缺乏皮质,干燥皮肤缺乏了需要保持水分以及建立防止外部影响保护罩的脂质。 这导致屏障功能受损。 干性皮肤(干燥症)存在于不同程度的严重程度以及不一样的形式,这不能清楚地区分。





- 天然保湿因子(NMF) - 特别是尿素,氨基酸和乳酸 - 有助于结合在水中。
- 表皮脂质如神经酰胺,脂肪酸和胆固醇是健康皮肤屏障功能所必需的。



My own skin type, I only get to figure out that i got combination skin about 10 years ago (the most troublesome kind of skin). Before I figured out the skin types of mine, I remembered that I tried many types of skin care products, etc., and I couldn’t find the right one for myself. The only thing I think I was correct is that I will applied sunscreen everyday, starting from middle school.

About 10 years ago, my friend introduced me to wash my face (doing exfoliation, etc.), that time only I realized that I have combination skin, I can not use foam cleansing (it made me felt very dry, then felt greasy after that), only gel type of cleansing or milk cleansing are suitable for me. At the time, it was difficult to find this type of cleansing in the market. Compared to now, you all are lucky, all kind of  products can be found. However, the most important point is to figure out your skin type!

Let's have a look of various types of skins:- [Part 1]

Normal Skin = Well-balanced skin. The T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) may be a bit oily, but overall sebum and moisture is balanced and the skin is neither too oily nor too dry.

Normal Skin
- fine pores
- good blood circulation
- velvety, soft and smooth texture
- a fresh, rosy colour uniform transparency
- no blemishes 
- and is not prone to sensitivity.

‘Dry’ is used to describe a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. 

As a result of the lack of sebum, dry skin lacks the lipids that it needs to retain moisture and build a protective shield against external influences. This leads to an impaired barrier function. Dry skin (Xerosis) exists in varying degrees of severity and in different forms that are not always clearly distinguishable.

Significantly more women suffer from dry skin than men and all skin gets dryer as it ages. Problems related to dry skin are a common complaint and account for 40% of visits to dermatologists. 

The causes of dry skin

Skin moisture depends on supply of water in the deeper skin layers and on perspiration.

Dry skin is caused by a lack of:

- Natural moisturising factors (NMFs) - especially urea, amino acids and lactic acid – that help to bind in water.

- Epidermal lipids such as ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol which are needed for a healthy skin barrier function.

As a result, the skin’s barrier function can become compromised.