My Design - SS501

My Design - SS501


Our Boys Fan Meetings + TFS

Our boys SS501 do have their individual activities this few months.

Hyung Jun did had his FM at S'pore & Taiwan..
Unfortunately, most of us were unable to attend due to many reasons.

This coming 27th Nov, Jung Min will have his Fan Meeting at Korea.
The entry ticket only 40,000 won, it is around RM100+... 
There will be many gifts that are going to give to fans who attending this FM.As announced by CNR, there are only 200 seats for overseas fans.There will be a compete between overseas fans to get the tickets. Hence, who are willing to attend do visit Jung Min's CNR Official Website as fast as possible to get the limited seats! Best wishers for all fans! ^^

Other than Jung Min's FM, there will be FM of Young Saeng + Kyu Jong on 4th Dec.The ticket price are around RM70+...It is impossible for me to attend as well.. ><'' Korea's fans, i'm jealous of all of you! All of you are really lucky...

In the meanwhile, our leader of SS501 Hyun Joong are going to attend the open ceremony of The Face Shop at S'pore! It is an open ceremony or what else?? matter what, Hyun Joong will be at S'pore from 1st Dec until 3th Dec!!! I can't get there as well as it is weekday....goshhhh...><'' However, there are some rumor say that Hyun Joong will also be in Malaysia on 4th Dec!How i wish it gonna be real!!!!! Let's we can get to see him on 4th Dec. ^^

